
+31) 6 2555 0943
____ (STIL)
1770-720 (G), performance view
Stil is an ongoing investigation towards the murder on 21 homosexuals that took place in the village of Faan in 1731. The jurisdictional process and its documents have been carefully archived, while those who didn't survive have no voice in the archive. Through processing all of the archival data, and reimaging or speculating with this archive, I am looking to reveal the potential shape of such erased voices.
Cover page of the book Helsche Boosheit of Grouwelyke Zonde van Sodomie, by pastor Henricus Carolinus van Byler of Faan. The book uses a theological rethoric to advocate against homosexuality, and promote legal punishment.

Inspired by theories of the Subaltern and historiography, the research also looks at the archive as a structure - of sound and silence, of presence and absence, of power and marginality. With different methods, to be employed later in the research, these structures are questioned, by blending, inverting and blurring them. The goal of this is not to deny history as a whole, but to lay bare the specificity of the archival narrative, and ask: what if other voices spoke?
1770-720 (G), performance view
fragment from Helsche Boosheit.

[NL] Hugo Carnilas zeid zeer wel dat het een stomme zonde gezegd word omdat men van die misdaad, niet opentlyk spreken moet, als zynde een schelmstuk dat door kuische en eerlyke oren niet behoort genoemt te worden. En dat zo de nood het spreken vordert, men de uiterste voorzigigheit moet aanwenden om geen reine oren te quetzen..

[EN] Hugo Carnilas said very correctly that it's called a mute sin, because one should not openly speak of that crime, as it's a roguery that should not be named to pristine and fair ears. And if the necessity brings it to speaking, one should employ an utmost care to not offend undefiled ears.

1770-720 (G), installation details.

(to be continued)

titel: ____ (Stil)
performance shots: Ren Sheikh
andere foto's:Michiel Teeuw
A-Kerk kostuum: Mikaela Martina Parentez
A-Kerk nagels: Denise Bozcuk
dank aan: Tudor Bratu
Lieuwe, Marij & Sebastiaan van de Groninger Archieven
Lonneke van IHLIA
Siem, Feije, Marloes voor transcriptions
vertoond bij: (1) Vertel Erfgoed
Paneldiscussie Groninger Archieven
m/ Sebastiaan Vos (Groninger Archieven), Obby Veenstra (Het MOW) & Lonneke van den Hoonaard (IHLIA)
Forum Groningen, Groningen, NL
01 oct 2020

(2) Z van Zacharias Wilsema
Online artikel bij Groninger Archieven
w/ Lieuwe Jongsma
Groninger Archieven, Groningen, NL
30 jul 2021

(3) 100 x Kunst in de A-Kerk
Kunstpunt, Groningen, NL
15-18 sep 2022

(4) MIDSEASON: Murky Waters and Clear Sights
het resort, Groningen, NL
16-18 dec 2022

(5) Crime Scenes (working title)
Solo residentie & expositie
Bierumer School, Bierum, NL
jan-mar 2023

(6) Gronings Licht
Het MOW, Bellingwolde, NL
feb-sep 2023

werkperiode: 09/2019 - nu