michiel teeuw

Does It Have A Name

Does It Have A Name

filed under curatorial practice
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DIHAN, or Does It Have A Name is an experimental performance platform founded in 2019 in Groningen. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, I have co-organised and co-curated a series of 14 events in a varying collective of organisers.

In our semi-regular performance evenings, we welcomed artistic experiments, try-outs, happenings and other in-the-now performance; moving away from what Bojana Kunst calls a projective temporality. Whereas funds and official organisations require planning, applications and a somewhat predictable artistic trajectory, we welcomed spontaneity, impulsivity and unpredictability. This attention to moment-to-moment experience prompted us to strip our organisation principles and left us with a very light-weight, open-ended and flexible way of organising. DIHAN developed into an artistic community of play and exchange.

Besides the more informal performance evenings, we also organised two performance side programs:
    For Block C & ARTisBOOK's exhibition Hamish Fulton - Printed Matter we organised an afternoon in de Groenesteinpark, inviting four Groningen-based artists to visit the exhibition, reflect on Hamish Fulton's works and develop their own performance works in response. With the program, we presented a variety of artistic positions responding to the oeuvre of Hamish Fulton.
    For The Groningen Night of Philosophy 2024, we invited four artists to reflect on the festival's theme: CHAOS. The artists developed earlier works into performances specifically made for the evening. Most of the night was filled with lectures and conversations, so we made an effort to program performances without spoken words. Forum Groningen provided an deeply public location, with tons of movement and passerby's. This made for a very interesting context for the works.