MONSTER ARCHIEF (2022-2031) is an archival-artistic research project based around the 1731 Monsterproces of Faan
(Groningen), in which 21 sodomites
(≈ homosexuals) were sentenced to death. The bodies were burned, but materials remain ‒ such as legal transcripts, maps, archaeological findings, folk narratives, religious pamphlets, etc.
MONSTER ARCHIEF's mission is twofold:
Gathering all primary and secondary information about the Monsterproces and making it publicly accessible.
Making new stories together that help us understand and process the Monsterproces.
In different chapters, the project publishes archival materials and responds artistically to the history. The project is initiated by Michiel Teeuw, and organised and practiced in a network of (international) collaborators, including artists, archaeologists, legal scholars, historians and other (artistic) researchers. The project will run until 2031.
selected works: