michiel teeuw

Exhibit A: ROCKER

Exhibit A: ROCKER

filed under artistic practice
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Exhibit A: ROCKER is a durational performance piece, consisting of repeated bodily motions ("stimming") placed in a choreographic context. The piece was executed twice.

First performance: DIHAN, 13/04/23, Berger & de Vries, Groningen.
I placed myself in a small square space and lined it off with an informational sign. On the ground, I have placed my weighted blanket, which makes the floor very soft and comfortable. I am trying to come to terms with being looked at. I push it out of my body. This is useful; I brought a spray which I sometimes diffuse in the air.

Second performance: Sexyland, 28/07/23, No Limits! Art Castle, Amsterdam.
I placed myself on a balcony. From my position, I see the water and the people. It's all a bit blurry. There's also wind. I enjoy being alone up here. I like to isolate myself. Over the course of the hours, I watch the sun set behind the trees.

The work was further developed into Exhibit B: BLOCKER.